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Permit Hearing Notice – Evidentiary Portion

February 14, 2024 @ 1:30 pm


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors for the Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District will continue the evidentiary portion of the public hearing on the two Applications for Drilling Permits as described below at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, in the Sirena Facility of TENROC Ranch located at 5471 Thomas Arnold Road, Salado, TX 76571. All persons designated as a party to the case by the Presiding Officer are to appear on this day to participate in this the evidentiary portion of the continued hearing. This notice is in accordance with the Presiding Officer’s directive and in accordance with District Rule 6.10.19 for continuance which has established this date, hour, place, and subject of this evidentiary hearing, and said notice is to be sent to all protestants (parties to the case) by both regular mail and email.

The evidentiary hearing will be conducted on the following application:

Applicant’s File Number/Name Permit Applicant/Holder and Landowner Location of Well/Wells Proposed Annual Groundwater Withdrawal Amount & Purpose of Use
Drilling Permit Hearing related to:


Well #1



Well #2


Jaffe Interests LP

James Kerby owner

Mustang Springs

c/o: Dr. Gretchen Miller



1205 Sam Bass Rd.,

Bldg. B, Ste. 300,

Round Rock TX 78681


(512) 851-8740

The proposed Drilling permits are for two public water supply wells to serve a future new development community on an 1100-acre tract.


Well #1                                             

Latitude 30.921147º

Longitude -97.625147º


Well #2

Latitude 30.930094º

Longitude -97.635711º


This application is for a Drilling Permit only and no production to be authorized.


The proposed wells are for proposed future production of groundwater for a future public water supply entity at a combined annual quantity not to exceed 249.8 acre-feet or 81,397,580 total gallons per year at a maximum pumping rate not to exceed 320 gallons per minute per well from the Lower Trinity Aquifer (Hosston Layer)


No production will be issued with this drilling permit application other than that necessary for the purpose of drilling and completing the wells and the prescribed elements of the required Well Completion Reports per District Rule 6.9.2(f)(1-8) for the purpose of a future operating permit.


The Applications for Drilling Permits, if granted, would authorize the permit holders to drill wells within the Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District according to the terms and conditions set forth in the permit.  The Presiding Officer designated the hearing on the Applications for Drilling Permits a Contested Case Hearing at a preliminary hearing held on November 8, 2023, and designated certain Affected Persons as Parties to the Contested Case Hearing.


The purpose of the continuance of the hearing is limited to the evidentiary portion of the hearing necessary for the Presiding Officer/s and the Board of Directors to hear evidence before rendering a decision on the drilling permits. Testimony will be limited to evidence offered by the Applicant, the Applicant’s Experts, the District’s Experts, the District’s General Manager and representatives of the Affected Persons deemed a party to the case as defined by the District Rules respectfully on November 8th and December 13th, 2023. The Presiding Officer(s) will not consider any new requests for a contested case hearing that was not timely received by the District on November 8, 2023.


For additional information about this application or the permitting process, or to request information on the legal requirements on what MUST be included for a Contested Case Hearing Request to be valid, please contact CUWCD at 700 Kennedy Court (PO Box 1989) Belton, Texas, 76513, 254-933-0120.


ISSUED this 16th day of January 2024 in Belton, Texas, on the recommendation of the General Manager.


I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY PERMIT HEARING of the Board of Directors of the Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District is a true and correct copy of said Notice.  I have posted a true and correct copy of said Notice at the District office located in Belton, Texas, said Notice was posted on January 16, 2024, and remained posted continuously for at least 10 (ten) days immediately preceding the day of said hearing; a true and correct copy of said Notice was furnished to the Bell County Clerk, in which the above-named political subdivision is located.


Dated 01/16/2024

Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District

By:  Click here for original signed document

Dirk Aaron, General Manager


February 14, 2024
1:30 pm


5471 Thomas Arnold Road
Salado, TX 76571 United States
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