There are three divisional functional units: Water Science & Conservation, Water Supply & Infrastructure, and Operations & Administration, each reporting to the Executive Administrator’s office. Robert Mace is Deputy EA for Water Science and Conservation, with both surface water and groundwater resources functional units, as well as another oriented toward conservation and innovation technologies. The roles and names in the groundwater sections we deal with regularly – Larry French, Rima Petrossian, Cindy Ridgeway, Janie Hopkins, Bryan Anderson – remain largely unchanged.
Probably the biggest change in the entire TWDB re-organization is in the regional water planning and development section, which has six teams addressing specified regional areas, defined by combinations of existing RWP Areas. This is not really all that unexpected, as it (arguably) provides a bit more facility in addressing the political and economic aspects of the implementation of Prop 6 imperatives.
Click here to view the new structure and staff members of the Texas Water Development Board.