Brush Control
Brush Busters is a cooperative program of the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Service to expedite the adoption of Tactical Brush Management Systems (TBMS) technology.
Brush Busters methods are easily understood, even by those with little or no previous experience in brush control. We recommend only “select” treatments capable of killing at least 7 out of 10 of the plants treated. Brush Busters methods make every attempt to keep equipment costs and complexity to a minimum, and whenever possible, to use non-restricted herbicides. One-page pamphlets are available from most County Extension offices that describe, in a simple 3-step process, the Brush Busters control methods for mesquite, pricklypear and cedar. Videos are available for checkout through most County Extension offices that demonstrate the Brush Busters control methods. For those who are computer literate, a CD-ROM Brush Busters program is a vailable that uses interactive video, audio and graphics to teach the use of Brush Buster methods for mesquite control.