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January Board Meeting

January 14 @ 1:30 pm

January 14, 2025
Notice is hereby given that the above-named Board will hold a Workshop and Board meeting on Tuesday,
January 14, 2025, beginning at 1:30 p.m., in the Clearwater UWCD Board Room located at 640 Kennedy Court, Belton, Texas.  The following items of business will be discussed1.
1. Discuss steps to establish policy for annual review of Administrative Fee Schedule and transport fee.
2. Receive information related to the 89th Legislative Session and Groundwater Legislation.
3. Discuss steps to establish a task force to develop and direct a baseline study of PFAS presence in groundwater in Bell County.
4. Receive updates related to GMA8 DFC determination, per TWC section36.108, and plans for the next round.
Board Meeting:
1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Public comment.2
3. Approve minutes of the December 11, 2024, Board meeting.
4. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to accept the monthly Financial Report for December 2024 (FY25) as presented.
5. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to accept the monthly Investment Fund account report for December 2024 (FY25) as presented.
6. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to accept the Quarterly Deferred Compensation Employee Retirement Program account report as presented.
7. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to approve the FY25 line-item budget amendments as requested.
8. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to approve the sponsorship level of the Texas 4-H Water Ambassador Program.
9. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to review and adopt the District investment policy by resolution for calendar year 2025.
10. Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to elect officers of the Board for the calendar year 2025, per District Bylaws, Article VI (Sec. 1 & 2).
11. General Manager’s Report concerning office management and staffing related to District Management Plan3.
12. Receive monthly reports and possible consideration and Board action on the following3:
a) Drought Status Reports, b) Education Outreach Update, c) Monitoring Wells, d) Rainfall Report, e) Well Registration Update, f) Aquifer Status Report & Non-Exempt Monthly Well Production Reports
13. Director comments and reports.
14. Discuss agenda items for the next meeting.
15. Set time and place for the next meeting.
16. Adjourn.
Dated the   _8th     day of  January 2025

Leland Gersbach, Board President

Dirk Aaron, Asst. Secretary
Agenda items may be considered, deliberated, and/or acted upon in a different order than set forth above.
CUWCD is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodation and equal opportunity for effective communications will be provided upon request. Please contact CUWCD’s office at 254-933-0120 at least 24 hours in advance if accommodation is needed.
1 During the meeting, the Board reserves the right to go into executive session for any of the purposes authorized under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, for any item on the above agenda, or as otherwise authorized by law.
2 Please limit comments to 3 minutes. The Board is not allowed to take action on any subject presented that is not on the agenda, nor is the Board required to provide a response; any substantive consideration and action by the Board will be conducted under a specific item on a future agenda.
3 No formal action will be taken by the Board on these agenda items. These items are on the agenda to provide CUWCD’s staff, Stakeholder Committees, and Directors with an opportunity to bring to the public and each other’s attention important activities and issues pertinent to the management of groundwater within the District, including, but not limited to, current events in the District involving groundwater, wells, or CUWCD permittees, state or regional developments related to water management, and activities of the staff, and Directors. Substantive deliberation and formal action on any of these issues will be conducted pursuant to a specific item on a future agenda.


January 14
1:30 pm


Clearwater UWCD Board Room
640 Kennedy Court
Belton, TX 76513 United States
+ Google Map