This Memo is to remind all well owners (both exempt and permitted wells) in the Edwards BFZ Aquifer that the aquifer system layer known as the Edwards BFZ is experiencing significant drawdowns in monitor wells and a drought trigger-based rate of reduction in Spring flows below 10.5 cubic feet per second.
Well owners failing to conserve their precious resource is often evident by expansive lawns and excess groundwater use. The aquifer is not just overburdened by large volume users but also by private well owners. We strongly urge all well owners of this sensitive aquifer system to reduce all outside water use to less than 1500 square feet of irrigated turf and reduce your entire household use by 20%. The best way to conserve is to only water your lawns once a week during early morning hours. The newest Drought Status Report is included with this Memo with curtailment recommendations. This report is online and updated weekly.
Please note that Clearwater UWCD is the groundwater conservation district whose political boundaries are that of Bell County. We have the full statutory authority to regulate groundwater per Chapter 36 Texas Groundwater Code. If you want to know more about your private well go to our online system and view the wells, driller logs, and data related to your respective community.
We offer to you, as a well owner and property owner, our services for verifying the condition of your groundwater well, the well’s regulatory status with our district, free water quality screening/testing, and offer free water level measurements of your well. We encourage you to visit our office at any time to review our groundwater management process, understand our property protection efforts, and to meet our staff.