Texas Comptroller Susan Combs Releases the Texas Water Report, Going Deeper for the Solution. In the report it is recommended that the Texas Legislature consider establishing a program providing grants to water authorities and major water users to help them achieve meaningful increases in water efficiency due to conservation activities, consider increasing state funding for innovative demonstration projects, and the Legislature should consider establishing a prize framework to award research dollars for successful achievements in innovative technology.
The Texas Water Development Board reports that Texas’ rapidly growing population will spur changes in our demand for and use of water. The task of balancing our growing water needs will fall largely to those who control its sources. Find out who controls Texas water, and what laws control the way they use this precious resource.
The outlook in Texas suggests continuing water problems and an ever-greater need for conservation. Yet there are game changers that could help us break the pattern. Austin and San Antonio are two cities providing a model for proactive water planning.
Other developments would allow us to curtail water consumption without harming economic growth. Emerging processes for hydraulic fracturing, for example, could maintain our latest energy boom while minimizing its water needs. As growing populations increasingly strain water supplies, dryland farming is another, if less palatable, option for farmers.
Click here to download a copy of the Texas Water Report or Visit the State Comptroller’s special report… Going Deeper for the Solution, Browse this site to find additional information on topics including the distribution of water in Texas, scarcity issues, the process Texas uses to fund water projects and possible game changers.
This article was originally posted here: http://watrnews.com/2014/01/going-deeper-for-the-solution/#.Ut2XcU3nbIU