Texas Well Owner NetworkClearwater Underground Water Conservation District is excited to be involved in the education of responsible well ownership. We have partnered with the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension services to bring this great opportunity to Bell County. The program is scheduled for June 20, 2013 and will be held on the new campus of Texas A&M University – Central Texas located at 1001 Leadership Place in Killeen, Texas.

The Texas Well Owner Network (TWON) program is a free, one-day educational training for residents who want to become familiar with groundwater resources, septic system maintenance, well maintenance, along with water quality and water treatment. Private well owners are independently responsible for operating their wells and monitoring the quality of their water. The training will primarily focus on water quality issues in the Lampasas River Watershed as well as broader efforts by the Lampasas River Watershed Protection Plan.

Well owners may bring water samples to the training at 8:30 to be screened for nitrate, total dissolved solids (TDS), arsenic, and fecal coliform bacteria for $10. Pick up approved bags at the Bell County, Burnet County, Mills County, Hamilton County, Coryell County, Williamson County, or Lampasas County Extension offices or the Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District.

Lunch will be provided by Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District and each participant will receive a Texas Well Owner Network Owner’s Guide to Water Supply Handbook.

We ask that anyone who is interested in attending please pre-register at twon.tamu.edu/training or call 979-845-1461. Click here to download the flyer and share with others!