In accordance with Texas Water Code § 36.108(d-4), the Board of Directors of the Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District (“CUWCD”) will hold a public meeting to adopt the Desired Future Conditions (“DFCs”) for the groundwater resources located within Bell County in Groundwater Management Area (“GMA”) 8. CUWCD’s DFCs for the current 50-year regional planning period are as follows:
Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer:
The DFCs for the Edwards (BFZ) Aquifer are described in terms of cubic feet per month spring/stream flow.
- Maintain at least 100 acre-feet per month of stream/spring flow in Salado Creek during a repeat of the drought of record in Bell County.
Trinity Aquifer:
The DFCs for each geologic layer of the Trinity Aquifer are described in terms of total average feet of drawdown.
- In the Glen Rose Layer, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 83 feet in 2070 compared with 2010 aquifer levels.
- In the Hensell Layer, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 137 feet in 2070 compared with 2010 aquifer levels.
- In the Hosston Layer, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 330 feet in 2070 compared with 2010 aquifer levels.
- In the Paluxy Layer, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 19 feet in 2070 compared with 2010 aquifer levels.
- In the Travis Peak Layer, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 300 feet in 2070 compared with 2010 aquifer levels.
The districts located wholly or partially within GMA 8, which include CUWCD, Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District, Middle Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, North Texas Groundwater Conservation District, Northern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District, Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District, Red River Groundwater Conservation District, Saratoga Underground Water Conservation District, Southern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, and Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, approved a resolution to adopt these DFCs on January 31, 2017. The DFCs explanatory report and other materials required by Texas Water Code § 36.108 were subsequently submitted to the Texas Water Development Board (“TWDB”), and TWDB declared GMA 8’s DFCs administratively complete on November 2, 2017.
Public comments may be submitted orally or in writing during the public meeting on December 13, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. at 700 Kennedy Court, Belton, Texas.
A copy of the DFCs and supporting documents may be requested by email to, downloaded at, or obtained in person at the CUWCD office located at 700 Kennedy Court, Belton, Texas. All questions or requests for additional information may be submitted to CUWCD General Manager Dirk Aaron by telephone at (254) 933-0120 or by visiting the CUWCD office.
The explanatory report and the appendices can be accessed at the following links: Explanatory Report and Appendices.