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July Board Meeting
July 14, 2021 @ 1:30 pm
July 14, 2021
In accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat, action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, and Executive Order, a quorum of CUWCD’s Board of Directors will hold its regular Board meeting in person and by telephonic conference call and, for redundancy, videoconference. The public may access this meeting and make public comment in person and by phone, pc, tablet and/or notebook using the contact information and instructions on pages 2 of this notice.
Notice is hereby given that the above-named Board will hold a Workshop and Board meeting on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 beginning at 1:30 p.m., in the Clearwater UWCD Board Room located at 700 Kennedy Court, Belton, Texas. The following items of business will be discussed1.
- Receive presentation from Baylor University Students related to aquifer studies in Bell County.
- Receive information related to Groundwater Management Area 8, per the Joint Planning and Development of the Round 3 Desired Future Conditions.
- Receive update on the RFQ process for GIS platform and database enhancements/hosting.
- Review items of interest concerning the FY2022 budget development process.
Board Meeting:
- Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Public comment2.
- Approve minutes of June 16, 2021 Board meeting.
- Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action if necessary, to accept the monthly financial report for June 2021 (FY21) as presented.
- Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action if necessary, to accept the monthly investment fund account report for June 2021 (FY21).
- Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action if necessary, to accept the Quarterly Deferred Compensation Employee Retirement Program account report as presented.
- Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action if necessary, to approve the FY21 line-item budget amendments as requested.
- Hold public hearing on the following well application:
- Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, on the proposed combination drilling and operating permit of 0.40 ac-ft/yr for Nathan & Danielle McNeal authorizing production from a proposed new well (# N1-21-003P) completed in the Hosston layer of the Trinity Aquifer at 7-gpm to produce groundwater for the purpose of domestic use on a 2-acre tract located at 21152 State Hwy 195, Killeen, Texas 76542.
- Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action, if necessary, to approve an exception to setback requirements per district rule 9.5.5(a)(e) for Magnolia First Baptist Church located at 2027 Connell Street, Belton, Texas.
- Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action if necessary, to select the Auditing Firm based on committee report and recommendations of the SOQ’s submitted for Auditing Services per District Bylaws Article 7, Section 6.
- Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action if necessary, to conduct the annual performance review of the General Manager, in accordance with District Bylaws Article VI, Section 6.
- General Manager’s report concerning office management and staffing related to District Management Plan3.
- Receive monthly staff report and possible consideration and Board action on the following3: a) Drought Status reports, b) Education Outreach update, c) Monitoring Well reports, d) Rainfall report, e) Well Registration update, f) Aquifer Status and Non-exempt Monthly Well Production reports
- Director comments and reports3.
- Discuss agenda items for next meeting.
- Set time and place for next meeting.
- Adjourn.
Dated the 9th day of July 2021
Leland Gersbach, Board President
By: Click here for original signed document
Dirk Aaron, Asst. Secretary
Clearwater UWCD, in order to maintain governmental transparency and continued government operation while reducing face-to-face contact for government open meetings, is implementing measures according to guidelines set forth by the Office of the Texas Governor, Greg Abbott. In accordance with section 418.016 of the Texas Government Code, Governor Abbott has suspended various open-meetings provisions that require government officials and members of the public to be physically present at a specified meeting location. CUWCD’s adherence to the Governor’s guidance temporary suspension procedure ensures public accessibility and opportunity to participate in CUWCD’s open meeting, workshop, and hearings.
Members of the public wishing to make public comment during the meeting must register by emailing schapman@cuwcd.org prior to 11:30 a.m. on July 14, 2021. This meeting will be recorded, and the audio recording will be available by contacting the CUWCD’s staff after the meeting. A copy of the agenda and packet will be available on the CUWCD’s website at the time of the meeting.
Public Comment forms can be accessed at:
You may join Clearwater UWCD Regular Board Meeting, Permit Hearing and Workshop
- Wed, Jul 14, 2021, 1:30 PM – 6:30 PM (CDT)
- Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
- You can also dial in using your phone.
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- United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
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