Clearwater UWCD is proud to provide you with a pdf version of our annual newsletter entitled “Clearwater Source” that will be mailed out around the county in the next week.  We specifically want to point out the theme of this year’s “Clearwater Source” is to showcase many of the scientific endeavors the district has invested in over the last three fiscal years. We are very pleased with our relationships with Baylor University’s Department of Geology, US Geological Survey’s Water Science Team in Austin, and the Texas Fish & Wildlife Conservation Office in San Marcos. These professional researchers have provided a much better understanding of the aquifer systems in Bell County as well as surrounding counties. The 15th Annual Bell County Water Symposium (Tentative Agenda is in the newsletter) has been set for November 19th, at 8am at the Central Texas Council of Governments Conference Center in Belton located at 2180 North Main Street.  This is a free seminar with a theme this year to showcase the efforts of our neighboring Groundwater Conservation Districts in Central Texas who are also challenged to protect the aquifer systems for the future, while balancing the needs of current users and the property rights of our respective landowners. We only ask that attendees preregister by calling our office at 254-933-0120 by November 13th. This will allow us to prepare enough meals for all attendees.