The Clearwater Board of Directors received official notice from board member, Wallace Biskup Sr., Board Vice President and Precinct 3 Director, that he is stepping down from the board effective October 10, 2018. Wallace delivered his letter of resignation to the District General Manager the morning of October 10, stating that due to his declining health he wishes to step down. For these very reasons he has not been able to attend board meetings these last few months. His fellow board members excepted his resignation with great sadness and wish him the very best as he and his family address his declining health.

Wallace is one of the five-member directors that set policy, oversee the district management and guide the district under Chapter 36 Texas Groundwater Law. The board of directors, as elected officials guide the district’s general manager with their expectations related to the day to day operations of the Groundwater Conservation District serving the citizens of Bell County. The board also deliberates on groundwater permit applications in public hearings as wells as participate in the joint planning process with other districts in Groundwater Management Area 8.

Mr. Biskup was re-elected to the precinct 3 directorship in November of 2016. He has two remaining years of his current four-year term. Mr. Biskup, has served on the board for 20 years. He was first appointed by the Bell County Commissioners Court in June of 1999. He has been elected and subsequently re-elected to the board by the citizens of Precinct 3 for 5 consecutive four-year terms. He served as the board secretary in 1999 to 2002 then elected by the other board members to be Vice President starting in 2002. He has held that position up until his resent resignation.

Wallace Biskup has a storied history of serving the northeast area of Bell County and also the City of Troy with distinction since the early 1960’s. He served on the Troy City Council for 20 years and was appointed City Judge in 1981. His water expertise and leadership skills were first fostered by his serving as a director on the Elm Creek Watershed Authority for 16 years as their secretary.

Wallace has owned and operated the Biskup Blacksmith and Welding Service in the Seaton Community of East Bell County, first with his father and now his son, Wallace Biskup Jr.

Board President, Leland Gersbach, stated “We the Directors and staff of Clearwater will sincerely miss the passion, understanding and discernment of complex groundwater issues by Mr. Biskup. He is truly statesman and peace maker in protecting property rights and our precious resource in Bell County. His role in establishing Clearwater as a model single county district cannot be overlooked.”

Gersbach announced that the remaining board members, directed the district general manager, Dirk Aaron, to begin a process of taking applications from interested citizens of Bell County Precinct 3, who wish to be considered for the interim position. They must submit their letter of intent and a resume no later than 5:00 pm, Friday November 9, 2018, and agree to attend the December 12th board meeting for interviews.

Those letters can be mailed to PO Box 1989, Belton Texas 76513, emailed to Dirk Aaron or hand delivered to the Clearwater UWCD Office in Belton at 700 Kennedy Court. Interested persons must have proof of permanent residence in precinct 3 of Bell County and be a registered voter of that precinct.

The board will receive and review those applications prior to conducting interviews of the applicants. The interviews are scheduled for December 12th at 1:30 pm, during the regular scheduled board meeting. Final selection of an appointee may occur that day at the regular monthly board meeting. The interim director will serve out the remaining term of office until December 2020.

Mr. Biskup will be recognized at the upcoming 18th Annual Bell County Water Symposium in Killeen at Texas A&M University Central Texas on November 15th.

For more information call the Clearwater UWCD staff at 254-933-0120.

Wallace Biskup, Director 1999-2018, Conservationist, Gentleman and Statesman.