General Manager, Dirk Aaron, testified at the Interim meeting of the Texas House of Representatives Natural Resource Committee on June 25, 2014. The House Committee asked more than 26 individuals (9 from Groundwater District Managers) from different sectors of groundwater management to testify concerning Interim Charge #2. Testimony can be viewed at Texas House of Representatives Natural Resource Committee Broadcast Archives:

The House Natural Resource Committee was challenged by Speaker of the House, Joe Straus, to conduct Interim Studies and per Interim Charge #2 they were asked to “evaluate the availability, management, and development of groundwater in the state. Consider the economic, environmental, and social impacts of groundwater usage and production in the agricultural, municipal, and energy sectors. In particular, examine methods to facilitate further development of brackish groundwater resources and to improve the consistency and certainty of permitting by groundwater districts without undercutting reasonable regional and local regulation of groundwater.”

Aaron, testified orally, and submitted (see attached) written comments to the committee regarding the questions posed by Chairman Ritter and his Committee Director and Chief Clerk, Elizabeth A. Fazio. Clearwater UWCD Board Chairman, Leland Gersbach, and Director At-Large, David Cole attended the daylong hearing in Austin with Mr. Aaron. The comments can also be found on the District’s website: Clearwater Testimony June 25, 2014