Saturday, February 3, 2018
9:00 – 2:00

Killeen Special Events Center
3301 So. W.S. Young Dr.

Corrosive, Flammable, Poisonous, Toxic Materials, Paint, Florescent Lamps, Tires

Household Hazardous Waste includes a variety of home use products which may be poisonous, toxic, or corrosive, or have flammable properties, including acids, bases, alkaline cleaners, pool chemicals, old fuel, oil paint and paint related products such as turpentine and mineral spirits.   Latex paint will be accepted.

This home chemical collection event is open to all residents in the Central Texas Council of Governments area, including Bell, Coryell, Lampasas, Hamilton, Mills, Milam, and San Saba Counties.  Proof of residency is required.

Residents are encouraged to completely use products as they were intended. Share products with neighbors, and use this disposal opportunity as a last resort.  Keep products in their original container and pack them carefully and securely in your car’s trunk or truck bed for transport to the event.

Tires will be accepted at a cost of $2.00 per rimless passenger vehicle tire.  Tires with rims will cost $3.00 each.  Larger truck tires will be accepted at a higher price.  Cash or check only.

The City of Killeen operates three used oil collection sites: Skylark field, the City of Killeen Transfer Station, and the Killeen Recycling Center.  Residents are encouraged to bring used motor oil and oil filters to one of these sites as soon as possible after changing your oil.  Protect oil from contamination with water, grass, leaves and bugs. In addition to used motor oil and filters, the Killeen Recycling Center accepts all automotive liquid lubricants and fluids.

Contact the City of Killeen Recycling Manager for more information:  554-7KRC.