The Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District was created by the 71st Texas Legislature on June 14, 1989 by HB 3172. A temporary Board of Directors was appointed in June 1999, to serve until the CUWCD was confirmed by the voters of Bell County. The voters confirmed the District’s creation in August 1999, at which time five directors were elected.
The May 4, 2002 election was the first election that the directors were elected from the four county commissioner precincts, with one director elected at-large. Terms were staggered to ensure continuity in the operation of the Board. Directors serve a four year term, while the officer positions are elected by the Board each year.
The Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District (CUWCD) will be accepting applications for candidates seeking the director positions for Precincts 1 and 3. The CUWCD precincts mirror the county commissioner precincts in Bell County. The filing period begins July 17 and ends August 17th, for both director positions in Precinct 1 and Precinct 3. Filing for these positions is necessary for a place on the ballot and subsequent Election to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. The five CUWCD Directors serve four-year terms. The terms are staggered with positions in Precincts 1 and 3 up for election this year, and Precincts 2, 4 and At-Large will be up for election in 2022.
Precinct 1 current office holder is Mr. Leland Gersbach of Holland Texas and has served on the board since 2004 and has also been the board’s president since 2010. Precinct 3 office holder is Mr. Jody Williams, of Rogers. Mr. Williams was appointed to the board to serve the unexpired term for Mr. Wallace Biskup who resigned from the board for health reasons in 2018.
The district’s general manager, Dirk Aaron, serves as the filing officer (assistant secretary to the Board of Directors) and will except applications at the district headquarters during normal business hours. Applicants for a place on the ballot must be United States citizens, resident of the precinct for which there are applying for and registered to vote in the same precinct they wish to serve. Complete information on elections for political subdivisions such as CUWCD can be viewed at:
Applications for a place on the ballot can be requested at the district headquarters by calling 254-933-0120 or email or by going to the following link at:
The applications must be delivered in person to the District office no sooner than 8:00 am on July 17th and prior to close of business on August 17th, 2020 (5:00pm). More information on the district and current board of directors can be accessed at
The Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District (CUWCD) was formed in 1989 to protect and manage the groundwater resources of Bell County. The District regulates water well drilling, spacing and pumping. It also provides groundwater conservation strategies, groundwater production and groundwater quality and all groundwater well registrations.
The District supports and promotes public education and conservation of all groundwater resources in Bell County. Groundwater resources include portions of two major aquifers – the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone BFZ) and the three defined layers of the Trinity. The District governs on the basis of Board direction per the district rules and a management plan per Chapter
36 Texas Water Code.
The District manages groundwater resources for the benefit of its constituents and the common good of groundwater users throughout Bell County. Its powers are defined in Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code and its jurisdiction is Bell County, about 1,055 square miles. The five member
Board of Directors sets policy and a professional staff manages day-to-day operations. The District hired Dirk Aaron, as General Manager in May of 2011 and moved forward to their new facility in April of 2012. Mr. Aaron, and his administrative assistant, Shelly Chapman, manage the day to day operation of the District with a staff of four. The Board of Directors meet monthly and all board meetings are posted on the District website
Polling Locations for Bell County are maintained at the Bell County Elections Department at
Filing applications are available at the CUWCD office in Belton at 700 Kennedy Court starting on May 29th. Feel free to contact CUWCD at 254-933-0120 for additional information or visit the CUWCD website at
Internet Posting Requirements for Political Subdivisions
Important Election Dates 2020-2022
Candidacy Filing – Local Political Subdivisions
Notice of Deadline to File Applications for Place on the Ballot
Order Calling Regular Election of Directors on November 3, 2020
Precinct 1 Application – Leland Gersbach
Precinct 3 Application – Jody Williams